Saturday, September 02, 2006

XP tips and tricks

Use CTRL-N to create a new folder in explorer

1) Download and install AutoHotKey (you should anyway, because it's brilliant).

2) Download one our our AutoHotKey.ini files. There are two. The first simply creates the HotKey Ctrl-N to create a new folder in Explorer/Folder or on the Desktop. For this to work, you need to make sure that the folder itself or the desktop is active, not a file in or on it. Simply left click in clear space to make sure it is. The second has this hotkey, but it also has another Ctrl-F which will open up the Folderbox Explorer extension. Obviously you need to have this installed, but we created this version because that utility appears to have been very popular too and we missed the ability to open/close it with a keyboard shortcut. Ctrl-F normally opens the search bar in Windows, but given Ctrl-E also does this in Windows, we decided to override it. If you don’t want this, just open the INI file in a text editor (looking for a replacement for Notepad? Don't forget our bonus tutorial) and change the hotkey.

Here's the script
$^n:: ; Ctrl+N hotkey
WinGetClass, active_class, A
if active_class in Progman
Send, {SHIFT}+{F10}w{enter}
else if active_class in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass
Send, !fw{enter}
else ; For all other window types, send a normal Control-N.
Send ^n


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